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Online retailing has been the new hysteria on social media forums along with development spiking in the online shopping Pakistan conundrum. However, social trends have evolved gradually where businesses had to focus more on their brand image on the internet. It is now imperative for a brand to influence its customers more than anything to achieve sales at the end. It had to be like this – consumers are now in control by becoming socially conscious over the internet. Hence, businesses had to revise their advertising strategies. Nonetheless, a few initially captured a great share of the market.
On the other hand, some firms’ reputation precedes them. A few of the well know are as follows:

- is the only ecommerce venture in Pakistan that was abruptly shut down last year. Recently it was launched in Lahore with the same enthusiasm under Ahmed Khan – previous C.E.O of It stated to have over 19, 000 email listings and a record completion of more than 2000 orders in just a month. It’s the premium classifieds in Pakistan with ever-growing users since its re-launch this year. Azmalo is currently an exclusive online marketplace for individuals and businesses to deal in several goods such as computers, electronics, fashion, books and etc.

-          TCS is founded on the Seattle based business model, Amazon, and it is reported receiving 2000 unique user per day. It started out with offering cell phones which is still the best selling category of theirs. From their perspective, it is the ‘deals’ & ‘discounts’ that help customer scrutinize for a product that suits them the most. Being searched the most, according to its acting VP BPR & Special Projects, Jamil Ahmed, TCS Connect strives creating a value based online retailing business, which halts the success of online shopping bandwagon in Pakistan. Value in terms of business as Jamil explains is ‘’choice, price & good after-sales service’’ indicating importance to CRM of a company. It currently ranks at the top in online shopping Pakistan search result.

-          For those Paki fashionistas, is your resource for your ultimate fashion sartorial. With offering 7 day returns, cash on delivery (COD) or cash on doorstep and free shipping across Pakistan. It is primarily the only website that caters to your entire clothing needs and wants in budget and doesn’t leave you empty pocketed. Also, it provides insights by giving fashion advice, editor’s picks, celebrity looks and apparel in budget in their monthly online magazine. Through consumer reviews and online feedback it is rated as the best fashion shop online in all of the country.

-          Berlin based VC Rocket Internet currently has 3 online portals operational in Pakistan namely:,, and

Additionally, more e-commerce ventures will emerge very soon and will become the reason for the boom in digital industry of Pakistan. Nonetheless, with such high market competition currently, it becomes apparent that consumers would receive convenience, better choices when opting for a product or service.

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